Mercenarie Mod Dls
Below are the links for DLing the mercs mod and map packs
DL the 8.0 version of the Mercenaries mod here
Mercenaries 8.0
Map pack 1
andremio forest,attack at sea,battleaxe,blankared swamp,delhi river,fortress
Map pack 2
hells ravine,ho chi minh trail,merc down,protect the embassy,roll tide,surrounded
Map pack 3
stalingrad,the river,three mile island,torkre,warehouse
Map pack 4
tank wars,train yard,karkand mountains,construction site
Map pack 5
arabian desert,beach attack,paratrooper squad,midway,tango base
Mercenaries Unlocked
This unlock gives you the ability to switch to the unlock weapons while ingame and playing,you do not need to die to switch weapons,just use the 6,7,8 keys to use those weapons..the other keys (1,2,3,4,5)are as they origionally were. thanks to FFolkes for the base of the unlocks recoded to work with the mercs mod and in conquest,singleplayer and co-op modes by G-Fung,LtVendetta and Hayabusa Enjoy